Trying this new eating healthy thing has really been a stumbling block for me because I like to throw down in the kitchen with all my calories and fats and cholesterol that will give me a heart attack! Hey, I'm just being honest. You know we can put some elbows and knee caps in some food, especially southern food which I had learned to make from scratch while pregnant with my second son two years ago. So yall already know we be eating good up in here! Anyhow, I do have an ongoing muscle disease that disagrees with that diet and I had just found out how horrible certain foods actually made me feel. How unfortunate that I learned how to cook everything that I love just to give it away to fruits, veggies and smoothies...smh! What a waste!

On my quest to find something that even sounds like it may taste good and be healthy I stumbled across this phenom of Green Smoothies! Don't it look really tasty?
Well maybe it doesn't look that tasty, especially the one I had made had chocolate in it so you can just imagine what that looked like...eww! Surprisingly it was super delicious and yummy. I even gave some to my children and they thought it was a milk shake!
Chocolate Green Smoothie Recipe
- 1 Hand full of fresh Spinach
- a pinch of fresh Parsley leaves
- 1 Cup of unsweetened (homemade) Almond milk
- 2 Tablespoons of Honey
- 1 Cup of frozen Bananas
- 1 Cup of frozen Strawberries
- a couple of cubes of ice
- a couple of pieces of chocolate (optional)
Blend everything together and there you have it a delicious green smoothie! I added some crumbled up butter cookies on top and we had a great desert. I loved it and the kids did too! I can't wait to try many more.
If yall got some good green smoothie recipes please share or try this one! You will be surprised how good it tastes.
Don't forget to share your favorite green smoothie recipes in the comment box below!