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Hidden Dangers in you Laundry detergent

   How many of you love to walk down the detergent isle in the supermarket? I know I did all time! It would smell so fresh and so clean. Then go to the laundry mat with my mother (when I was younger) and I watched
her put a large cup of detergent followed by a large cup of bleach and a lot of fabric softener into the washing machines. My mother made sure our clothes was white, clean and smelling good after it got out the dryer. Oh, and don't forget the Downy fabric sheets, how she threw 10 of them in the dryer so the clothes would be extra soft. Yea, my mom is a clean freak!

     What she didn't know was that she was putting poisons on her clothes that stuck to the fabric and eventually got soaked up through our skin from wearing them.  There are tons of chemicals and illusions that are in our Detergents that makes our clothes APPEAR to be clean or white but they really aren't. Man, I see the deception of our reality is more than what we see..because you can't believe everything you see with you physical eyes.

   Below is a partial list of harmful chemicals that are found in you laundry detergent.

Linear alkyl sodium sulfonates (LAS): These synthetic surfactants are commonly listed as 'anionic surfactants' on labels, and are one of the most common surfactants in use.

Phenols: is toxic and people who are hypersensitive to it could experience death or serious side effects at very low exposures. Plus, it is rapidly absorbed and can cause toxicity throughout the entire body.

Napthas: These chemicals have been linked to cancer, lung damage, lung inflammation and damage to mucous membranes.

 Optical brighteners: These synthetic chemicals convert UV light wavelengths into visible light, which makes laundered clothes appear whiter (although does not actually affect the cleanliness of the clothing).
 Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach): This is a chemical precursor to chlorine, which is highly toxic and involved in more household poisonings than any other chemical. When it reacts with organic materials in the environment, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are created than can cause reproductive, endocrine and immune system disorders.

Artificial fragrances:  Many of these can be made from petroleum (see petroleum distillates above), and do not degrade in the environment. They've been linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals, and often cause allergies and skin and eye irritation

All of these chemicals create the illusion that our clothes are clean but really aren't or in some case never were. It's important that we get back to the basics and use the simplest of things to get the job done with better results and more efficiently without dying slowly in the process.

  I hope this information will encourage you all to make your own products. It's not time consuming nor is it expensive but it will definitely help you live a healthier life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the informative post! Most websites that I've found use either washing soda or borax to make their homemade laundry detergent, both of which I have not been able to find here. What do you use? What's your recipe??


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