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How to Prepare for a Natural Disaster

A very important topic that people seem to put off unless it hits home and by that time its too late is Natural Disasters. There can be snow storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes at anytime. You could be trapped in the house or have electricity failure for days where you won't have any access to lights or an TV to tell you what is going on. As we can see our country has its fair share of disasters and then we see the aftermath of people having to go to shelters and seek food or loot local stores because of lack of preparation. It's easier to survive without things when you are single or maybe without kids but when you have children they are not as patient so going without water or food for days in some instances will definitely put a fire under your butt to go and find a way by any means to feed your family. Here is a list of things we all should have stored away for that day where anything can happen.

  1. Canned goods: all canned foods especially tuna, sardines, vegetables, etc.
  2. Dried beans
  3. Rice
  4. At least 5 gallons of drinking water
  5. Gallons of regular water for flushing the toilet
  6. Flashlights
  7. Extra batteries
  8. Battery operated radio
  9. Walkie Talkies
  10. Candles
  11. Matches and lighters
  12. Extra Blankets
  13. Chocolate
  14. First aid kit
  15. Extra sanitary products
  16. Weapons (knives, hatchets, anything to protect your family)
  17. Create an emergency evacuation plan (where family would meet up etc.)
  18. Get familiar with your house or apartment (emergency exits and nearest police stations)
  19. Extra medications stored away (for those with ailments or diseases)
  20. Stored gasoline (just in case you have to travel and there is no way to get gas)
  21. Aluminum Foil
  22. Duck tape
  23. Portable Generator (if possible)
  24. Rope
  25. Disinfectants
  26. Toiletries (soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, etc)
  27. Camera
  28. Spare keys
  29. Id's 
  30. Extra set of clothing for each family member
  31. Games (cards, dominoes, etc.)
  32. Get up and go emergency bag
These is just some things to keep spare and handy in your home, garage or your car just in case something happens. You don't want to be the person who is not prepared.
   Try to get all of your family members involved and make it a shopping trip or find anyway to keep them prepared just as you or you may just want to get it for them. Older people who was around during the Great Depression surely know how to survive and I have seen my great grandmother have more things than what's on this list just in case something happened in her home.
   You don't have to buy everything at once but try to be mindful and buy a lil extra just incase and try not to use it with your regular household items. Try to keep it as separate as possible.

Can you add to this list? Are you already prepared or have lived through a natural disaster? Share your stories with us we would love to hear your testimonies by leaving a comment. Yall stay blessed!

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